nifty fifty quilters of america

Copyright 2010 Teresa Drummond
All Rights Reserved
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Nifty Fifty Quilters
of America
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Nifty Fity Quilters Website
The Nifty Fifty quilt block swaps were established in 1997 by Teresa Drummond and Wendy Clark.
Our groups swap state quilt blocks from around the country in a centralized theme. There have been 29
completed quilt block swaps over the past twelve years and two swaps in progress. Our goal is to document
each of our swaps with photos and info about our state quilt blocks. We are updating our pages every day
with more photos. You can reach any Nifty Fifty Swap page by clicking on our
Photo Gallery icon to the
left on all our pages..  You can also see our Nifty Fifty quilt blocks grouped by states by clicking on the
50 States icon on top of our pages. The original designs are protected by copyright. Please do not copy
or use them other than for inspiration. So be sure to bookmark our pages and come back often to
get inspiration from our unique quilt blocks.

Our quilting groups have swapped over 70,000 quilt blocks.  

Red/White/Blue State Quilt Blocks in Rememberance of 9/11
The 9/11 quilt blocks have included personalized signature quilt blocks to go along with each swapped block.
These touching signature blocks include the quilters personal message regarding the attacks on
our country on September 11, 2001.
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nifty fifty quilters of america
Nifty Fifty One Quilts at our Reunion
florida 9/11 quilt block
Each of the Nifty Fifty quilt block swaps have made one or more quilts for
charity to benefit Breast Cancer Awareness.  These quilts have been donated,
auction, or raffled off at local hospitals across the country.  We have the
original two
Nifty Fifty One Breast Cancer Survivor/Memorial Quilts which
are available to travel to quilt guilds and shows across the country. We also
have some charity quilts available to any organization who would like to raise
money for Breast Cancer Awareness.

More information and background on our Nifty Fifty Swaps can be found on
History icon which is to the left of all our pages.
The other icons found on our pages
include our International Quilt Blocks
which have quilt blocks photos from our
Twenty Plenty Swaps where our
groups swapped quilt blocks from
over 50 countries.  
betsy ross quilt block
betsy ross quilt block
revolutionary quilt
The Revolutionary War Quilt Blocks icon shows photos of our quilt
blocks swapped in our
Classic Colonial Swap. These quilt blocks
also have an educational signature squares from each quilter with a
detailed explanation about the block they designed for the
Revolutionary War and the 13 Colonies.  
egypt quilt block
Brazil quilt block
washington dc 9/11 quilt block
korea quilt block
Indonesia quilt block
Nifty Fifty One Quilters and
Breast Cancer Quilt
Samples of 9/11
Quilt Blocks and
Signature Squares.
Click on image to
read the signature
Twenty Plenty Quilters
and our International
Breast Cancer Quilt
Samples of our International Twenty
Plenty Swap Blocks..Egypt, Indonesia,
Korea and Brazil
My son Donald presenting his
Teacher with a Classic
Colonial Quilt for her Classroom
Sample Blocks with the signature squares.  Click to read siganture squares
independence day quilt block
philadelphia quilt block
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Copyright 2011 Teresa Drummond
All Rights Reserved
Welcome to Our World of Swapping
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Click on the lower right arrows to browse through some of our favorite quilting books.
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through Amazon as it
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Nifty Fifty Quilters